作者:李章东,田军伟,焦锋 单位:河南理工大学
Research and Development Progress of Machine Type LowFrequency
Vibration Motion Technology
Li Zhangdong,Tian Junwei,Jiao Feng
Abstract:At present,with the extensive use of difficult to process materials,ordinary drilling has been difficult to meet its processing requirements,in this case,vibration drilling work came into being,and mechanical lowfrequency vibration drilling is one of its branch,with the ordinary drilling process has a better processing effect,it can improve the quality of the hole processing.Vibration drilling technology will become a future focus on a direction.This paper summarizes the basic principles,characteristics and current research status of vibration drilling technology,points out some existing problems and prospects the future development of vibration drilling technology.
Keywords:low frequency;vibration drilling;hole processing